Canada has a powerful and well-funded public education system, which is mostly handled at the provincial level. Under the Canadian constitution, education is a provincial duty, hence there are major variances between the education systems of the various provinces. In all provinces, school attendance is required until the age of 16, except for Manitoba, Ontario, and New Brunswick, where the required age is 18.

Education, on the other hand, is very important to Canadians, and standards are consistently high across the country. One should consider the type, size, and location of the institution while selecting a school in Canada. If you’re interested in a specific field of study, look into which colleges you have more options in that field.

main difference between Colleges and Universities is in that, if you are looking forward to an applied career you will enroll in a College whereas if you aim for an academic career your choice would be the University.

High school grades are rather an important parameter when applying in either a College or University in that the majority of tertiary institution will acquire 70% and over average grade (*Some prestigious colleges will require an average of 85% and above) in order to consider your further documentation.